

The OnchainLobSpot class is designed for interacting with the Onchain LOB Spot API. It provides methods for retrieving market information, subscribing to market updates, placing orders, managing user orders and fills, and more.

Common contract transaction parameters

The following parameters are common across contract transaction methods:

  • gasLimit: (optional) Transaction gas limit. If not provided, the value is estimated via eth_estimateGas call.

  • maxFeePerGas: (optional) The maximum fee per unit of gas willing to be paid for the transaction. Calculated as baseFeePerGas + maxPriorityFeePerGas. If not provided, obtained via eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas call.

  • maxPriorityFeePerGas: (optional) The maximum price of the consumed gas to be included as a tip to the validator. If not provided, obtained via eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas call.

  • nonce: (optional) Transaction nonce (counter). If not provided, obtained via eth_getTransactionCount call.


async approveTokens({ market, token, amount }: ApproveSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Approves the specified amount of tokens for the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • token: The token to be approved.

  • amount: The amount of tokens to approve. If bigint is provided, then the token's contract unit is used. If BigNumber is provided, then the scaled unit with the token's decimals is used.


async depositTokens({ market, token, amount }: DepositSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Deposits the specified amount of tokens to the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • token: The token to be deposited.

  • amount: The amount of tokens to deposit. The Onchain LOB scaled units are used.


async withdrawTokens({ market, aseTokenAmount, quoteTokenAmount, withdrawAll }: WithdrawSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Withdraws the specified amount of tokens or all tokens from the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • baseTokenAmount: The amount of base tokens to withdraw. If bigint is provided, then the token's contract unit is used. If BigNumber is provided, then the scaled unit with the token's decimals is used. Optional if withdrawAll is true.

  • quoteTokenAmount: The amount of quote tokens to withdraw. If bigint is provided, then the token's contract unit is used. If BigNumber is provided, then the scaled unit with the token's decimals is used. Optional if withdrawAll is true.

  • withdrawAll: A flag indicating whether to withdraw all tokens. If true, baseTokenAmount and quoteTokenAmount are ignored.


async setClaimableStatus({ market, status }: SetClaimableStatusParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Sets the claimable status for the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • status: The claimable status to be set.


async placeOrder({ market, type, side, size, price, transferExecutedTokens, maxCommission, nativeTokenToSend, useNativeToken }: PlaceOrderSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Places a new order in the corresponding market contract. It can place limit or market order and use native token if market supports it.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • type: The type of the order (limit, limit_post_only, ioc or market_execution).

  • side: The order side (buy or sell).

  • size: The size of the order.

  • price: The price of the order.

  • transferExecutedTokens: Whether to transfer executed tokens automatically.

  • maxCommission: The upper bound of commission to pay.

  • nativeTokenToSend: The amount of native token to send.

  • useNativeToken: Use native token for the transaction instead of the wrapped token.

Type parameter value

There are four types of order execution behavior:

  • limit: place in the order book or execute and place with the specified price,

  • limit_post_only: place or cancel the order,

  • ioc: execute order with the indicated price or better, the remainder is cancelled,

  • market_execution: execute the full order size, price parameter is omitted.


async placeOrderWithPermit({ market, type, side, size, price, permit, transferExecutedTokens, maxCommission }: PlaceOrderWithPermitSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Places a new order with a permit in the corresponding market contract if the token supports ERC20Permit interface.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • type: The type of the order (limit, limit_post_only, ioc or market_execution).

  • side: The order side (buy or sell).

  • size: The size of the order.

  • price: The price of the order.

  • permit: The quantity of tokens to permit for the order. Ussually the same value as the approve value.

  • transferExecutedTokens: Whether to transfer executed tokens automatically.

  • maxCommission: The upper bound of commission to pay.

This method allows placing an order with a permit, which is useful for tokens that support permit functionality, enabling gasless approvals.


async placeMarketOrderWithTargetValue({ market, type, side, price, size, targetValue, maxCommission, nativeTokenToSend }: PlaceMarketOrderWithTargetValueParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Places a market order with a target value of the quote token in the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • type: The type of the order (ioc or market_execution).

  • side: The order side (buy or sell).

  • price: The price of the order.

  • size: The quote token value to spend.

  • targetValue: The quote token value to spend.

  • maxCommission: The upper bound of commission to pay.

  • nativeTokenToSend: The amount of native token to send. Use native token for the transaction instead of the wrapped token.

This method allows placing a market order by specifying the target value of the quote token, which is useful for executing orders based on a specific value rather than base token quantity.


async placeMarketOrderWithTargetValueWithPermit({ market, type, side, price, size, permit, maxCommission, transferExecutedTokens }: PlaceMarketOrderWithTargetValueWithPermitParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Places a market order with a target value of the quote token and a permit in the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • type: The type of the order (ioc or market_execution).

  • side: The order side (buy or sell).

  • price: The price of the order.

  • size: The quote token value to spend.

  • permit: The quantity of tokens to permit for the order. Usually the same value as the approve value.

  • maxCommission: The upper bound of commission to pay.

  • transferExecutedTokens: Whether to transfer executed tokens automatically.

The same action as in placeMarketOrderWithTargetValue but it uses a token that supports permit.


async claimOrder({ market, orderId, transferExecutedTokens }: ClaimOrderSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Claims an order or fully cancels it in the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • orderId: The unique identifier of the order to be claimed.

  • transferExecutedTokens: Whether to transfer executed tokens automatically.


async changeOrder({ market, orderId, newSize, newPrice, type, maxCommission, transferExecutedTokens }: ChangeOrderSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Changes an existing order in the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • orderId: The unique identifier of the order to be changed.

  • newSize: The new size of the order.

  • newPrice: The new price of the order.

  • type: The type of the order (e.g., limit, limit_post_only).

  • transferExecutedTokens: Whether to transfer executed tokens automatically.

  • maxCommission: The upper bound of commission to pay.


async batchPlaceOrder({ market, type, orderParams: Array<{ side, size, price}>, transferExecutedTokens }: ChangeOrderSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Places multiple orders in the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • type: The type of the orders (limit, limit_post_only).

  • orderParams: Orders to place:

    • side: the side of the order (ask or bid).

    • size: the size of the order.

    • price: the price of the order.

  • transferExecutedTokens: Whether to transfer executed tokens automatically.

This method does not support sending native token. Approve the wrapped token that is specified in the market object.


async batchClaim({ market, claimParams: Array<{ orderId, address }>, onlyClaim }: ChangeOrderSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Claims or cancels specified orders.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • orderParams: Orders to place:

    • orderId: the id of the order to claim or cancel.

    • address: the owner of the order.

  • onlyClaim: Whether to claim or cancel orders (true to claim).


async batchChangeOrder({ market, type, orderParams: Array<{ newSize, newPrice}>, transferExecutedTokens }: ChangeOrderSpotParams): Promise<ContractTransactionResponse>

Changes multiple orders in the corresponding market contract.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • type: The type of the orders (limit, limit_post_only).

  • orderParams: Orders to change:

    • orderId: the id of the order.

    • newSize: the new size of the order.

    • newPrice: the new price of the order.

  • transferExecutedTokens: Whether to transfer executed tokens automatically.

This method cancels existing orders and places new ones. The new orders will each have new order ids.


async getMarket({ market }: GetMarketParams): Promise<Market | undefined>

Retrieves the market information for the specified market.

  • market: The market identifier.


async getMarkets({ market }: GetMarketsParams): Promise<Market[]>

Retrieves the markets.

  • market: Optional market identifier to filter results.


async getTokens({ token }: GetTokensParams): Promise<Token[]>

Retrieves the tokens.

  • token: Optional token identifier to filter results.


async getOrderbook({ market, aggregation, limit }: GetOrderbookParams): Promise<Orderbook>

Retrieves the orderbook for the specified market.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • aggregation: Optional level of price aggregation.

  • limit: Optional limit on the number of orders to retrieve.


async getOrders({ market, user, limit, status }: GetOrdersParams): Promise<Order[]>

Retrieves the orders for the specified market.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • user: The user's address.

  • limit: Optional limit on the number of orders to retrieve.

  • status: Optional filter for order status.


async getOrderHistory({ market, user, limit }: GetOrderHistoryParams): Promise<OrderHistory[]>

Retrieves the order history for the specified market.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • user: The user's address.

  • limit: Optional limit on the number of orders to retrieve.


async getTrades({ market, limit }: GetTradesParams): Promise<Trade[]>

Retrieves the trades for the specified market.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • limit: Optional limit on the number of trades to retrieve.


async getFills({ market, user, limit }: GetFillsParams): Promise<Fill[]>

Retrieves the fills for the specified market.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • user: The user's address.

  • limit: Optional limit on the number of fills to retrieve.


async getCandles({ market, resolution, fromTime, toTime }: GetCandlesParams): Promise<Candle[]>

Retrieves the candles for the specified market and resolution.

  • market: The market identifier.

  • resolution: The time resolution for the candles.

  • fromTime: Optional start time for the candle data.

  • toTime: Optional end time for the candle data.


The OnchainLobSpot.events property defines various events that you can listen to for real-time updates. These events include:

  • marketUpdated: Triggered when there is an update in the market.

  • orderbookUpdated: Triggered when there is an update in the order book.

  • tradesUpdated: Triggered when a new trade occurs.

  • userFillUpdated: Triggered when a fill is updated.

  • userOrderUpdated: Triggered when an order is updated.

  • userOrderHistoryUpdated: Triggered when an order history is updated.

  • candleUpdated: Triggered when new candle data is available.

  • allMarketsUpdated: Triggered when there is an update across any market.

  • subscriptionError: Triggered when there is an error related to a subscription.

You can add event listeners to these events to handle real-time data as it comes in. Events start coming after ypu subscribe to them with certain methods

OnchainLobSpot Subscription Methods

The OnchainLobSpot class also includes methods for subscribing to and unsubscribing from various market updates, such as subscribeToMarket, unsubscribeFromMarket, subscribeToOrderbook, unsubscribeFromOrderbook, etc. These methods interact with the WebSocket API to provide real-time updates.

Market Subscriptions


subscribeToMarket({ market }: { market: string }): void

Subscribes to updates for a specific market.


unsubscribeFromMarket({ market }: { market: string }): void

Unsubscribes from updates for a specific market.


subscribeToAllMarkets(): void

Subscribes to updates for all markets.


unsubscribeFromAllMarkets(): void

Unsubscribes from updates for all markets.

Orderbook Subscriptions


subscribeToOrderbook({ market, aggregation }: { market: string, aggregation: number }): void

Subscribes to orderbook updates for a specific market.


unsubscribeFromOrderbook({ market, aggregation }: { market: string, aggregation: number }): void

Unsubscribes from orderbook updates for a specific market.

Trade Subscriptions


subscribeToTrades({ market }: { market: string }): void

Subscribes to trade updates for a specific market.


unsubscribeFromTrades({ market }: { market: string }): void

Unsubscribes from trade updates for a specific market.

User Order Subscriptions


subscribeToUserOrders({ user, market }: { user: string, market?: string }): void

Subscribes to user order updates for a specific market and user.


unsubscribeFromUserOrders({ user, market }: { user: string, market?: string }): void

Unsubscribes from user order updates for a specific market and user.

User Order History Subscriptions


subscribeToUserOrderHistory({ user, market }: { user: string, market?: string }): void

Subscribes to user order history updates for a specific market and user.


unsubscribeFromUserOrderHistory({ user, market }: { user: string, market?: string }): void

Unsubscribes from user order history updates for a specific market and user.

User Fill Subscriptions


subscribeToUserFills({ user, market }: { user: string, market?: string }): void

Subscribes to user fill updates for a specific market and user.


unsubscribeFromUserFills({ user, market }: { user: string, market?: string }): void

Unsubscribes from user fill updates for a specific market and user.

Candle Subscriptions


subscribeToCandles({ market, resolution }: { market: string, resolution: CandleResolution }): void

Subscribes to candle updates for a specific market and resolution.


unsubscribeFromCandles({ market, resolution }: { market: string, resolution: CandleResolution }): void

Unsubscribes from candle updates for a specific market and resolution.


Post a new order (view with HTTP API)

import { ethers, type ContractTransactionResponse } from 'ethers';
import { OnchainLobClient } from 'onchain-lob-sdk';

// wallet = new ethers.Wallet(<yourPrivateKey>, <provider>);

const onchainLobClient = new OnchainLobClient({
  apiBaseUrl: 'https://api-dev.xpressprotocol.com',
  webSocketApiBaseUrl: 'wss://sockets-dev.xpressprotocol.com',
  signerOrProvider: wallet,

const market = '<orderbookAddress>';
let tx: ContractTransactionResponse;

// Approve tokens for the future order
tx = await onchainLobClient.spot.approveTokens({
  amount: new BigNumber(45.123),
  isBaseToken: true

// Create a new order
tx = await onchainLobClient.spot.placeOrder({
  type: 'limit',
  side: 'ask',
  size: new BigNumber(45.123),
  price: new BigNumber(1.17),
  maxCommission: new bigNumber(0.1)

// Get user orders
const orders = await onchainLobClient.spot.getOrders({ market, user: wallet.address });

// Find the new order
const newOrder = orders.find(o => o.txnHash === tx.hash);

Post a new order (view with WebSockets)

import { ethers, type ContractTransactionResponse } from 'ethers';
import { OnchainLobClient } from 'onchain-lob-sdk';

// wallet = new ethers.Wallet(<yourPrivateKey>, <provider>);

const onchainLobClient = new OnchainLobClient({
  apiBaseUrl: 'https://api-dev.xpressprotocol.com',
  webSocketApiBaseUrl: 'wss://sockets-dev.xpressprotocol.com',
  signer: wallet,

const market = '<orderbookAddress>';
let tx: ContractTransactionResponse | undefined;
const user = wallet.address;

async function waitTx(): Promise<void> {
  while (!tx) {
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100));

// Subscribe to orders
client.spot.events.userOrdersUpdated.addListener(async (_, __, orders) => {
  await waitTx();

  const newOrder = orders.find(o => o.txnHash === tx!.hash);
  if (newOrder) {
client.spot.subscribeToUserOrders({ market, user });

// Approve tokens for the future order
tx = await onchainLobClient.spot.approveTokens({
  amount: new BigNumber(45.123),
  isBaseToken: true

// Create a new order
tx = await onchainLobClient.spot.placeOrder({
  type: 'limit',
  side: 'ask',
  size: new BigNumber(45.123),
  price: new BigNumber(1.17)
  maxCommission: new bigNumber(0.1)


Returns snapshot of the orderbook.

const orderbook = await onchainLobClient.spot.getOrderbook({
  market: '<orderbookAddress>', // The address of the orderbook
  aggregation: 4, // Number of rounding decimals [optional]
  limit: 10, // Levels for each side [20 by default]


Returns user's orders.

const orders = await onchainLobClient.spot.getOrders({
  market: '<orderbookAddress>', // The address of the orderbook
  user: '<userAddress>', // The address of the user
  limit: 10, // Number of orders to retrieve [100 by default]
  status: 'open', // Order statuses to filter by


Returns user's order history.

const orderHistory = await onchainLobClient.spot.getOrderHistory({
  market: '<orderbookAddress>', // The address of the orderbook
  user: '<userAddress>', // The address of the user
  limit: 10, // Number of history logs to retrieve [100 by default]


Returns last trades.

const trades = await onchainLobClient.spot.getTrades({
  market: '<orderbookAddress>', // The address of the orderbook
  limit: 10, // Number of trades to retrieve [100 by default]


Returns user's fills.

const fills = await onchainLobClient.spot.getFills({
  market: '<orderbookAddress>', // The address of the orderbook
  user: '<userAddress>', // The address of the user
  limit: 10, // Number of fills to retrieve [100 by default]


Returns market data.

const markets = await onchainLobClient.spot.getMarkets({
  market: '<orderbookAddress>', // The address of the orderbook
// If the market is not provided, data for all markets will be returned.
const allMarkets = await onchainLobClient.spot.getMarkets({

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